Decentering the Norm

I attended a 3-day workshop titled “Decentering the Norm: Social Justice Transformations in Sex Therapy, Counseling, and Sex Education.” Some highlights included:

  • sex tools that enhance or enable pleasure for people with disabilities
  • connecting pleasure with personal power and agency (rather than, for example workaholism)
  • a discussion of “sanism” and introduction to Mad Studies
  • how queer theory intersects and modifies attachment theory

Innovative Research

If you have a history of suicidal thoughts or know someone who died by suicide, you may want to look into a new research project called Our Data Helps by Qntfy. You can donate social media data (from online activity) and/or fitness & sensory data (from wearable devices) to help researchers learn more about why suicides happen and how they can be prevented. The project will analyse the language, physical data, and media patterns of people who sign up to help the project.

Externalizing Anxiety

An anxious computer programmer reprogrammed his anxiety. First, he outlined his worries into a computer program. Then, the program emailed him anxious messages throughout each day. The programmer read the messages–as if they were comical spam messages. This process helped him emotionally distance from worry and deconstruct anxiety in real time.

The original audio story can be found here: here

The Grand Prix of Hallucinations

A community-based treatment culture in Japan empowers people with schizophrenia to live meaningful, connected lives by sharing their self-directed research, interactive presentations, and theatrical Hallucinations and Delusions Grand Prix . These activities foster inclusion and accountability. “I used to be a captive of my symptoms. Now I investigate them.” Bethel House.

Live Through This

A powerful photo essay collection that promotes awareness, care, and transparency: Live Through This is a collection of portraits and stories of suicide attempt survivors, as told by those survivors.” This project was initiated by someone challenged her suicidal thoughts and behavior. She invited other suicide attempt survivors to share their experiences of suffering and moving forward.

A Creative Way to Manage Mental Illness

Giulietta Carrelli manages her schizoaffective disorder, in part, by making herself a recognizable public figure. She wears the same clothing style everyday; has unique tattoos; and takes the same route through the city everyday. Strangers get to know her and help her when she experiences psychotic episodes, which she calls “Trouble.”

She expanded her support network by developing her own business (starting with $1,000), which apparently created a toast craze throughout the city. This article gives a poignant narrative about Carrelli and answers the question of “why toast?”